Student Fees

2021/22 Band Student Yearly Dues:
$125 per student: 
First half ($62.50) due by Friday, June 4. Second half ($62.50) due by July 30, 2021.

Apply your student account funds or make check payable to “Spartan Music Boosters.” Access current student account funds by contacting the Spartan Music Boosters Treasurer. Band Yearly Dues scholarships available by contacting the Spartan Music Boosters Treasurer, or by speaking with Mr. Hedding. Checks and money orders may be mailed to: Spartan Music Boosters 850 Spartan Ave. Berthoud, CO  80513 or dropped into the lock box located in the BHS band room. Be sure to put your payment in an envelope with the student’s name and reason for payment (ie. Band dues, trip money, etc.).

Student Fees support activities/budget items of the Spartan Music Boosters which include:

  • Marching Band Music
  • Competition Fees and Expenses
  • Student Individual Competition Support
  • Marching Band Program Assistants
  • Marching Band Drill Writer
  • Colorguard Uniforms & Equipment
  • Marching Band Spirit T-Shirts
  • Pep Band Spirit T-Shirts
  • Uniform Cleaning & Maintenance
  • Program Props
  • Music Program Improvements & Supplies
  • Special Events and Awards

Student Assistance

Music Activities at BHS are accessible by all BHS students. The Spartan Music Boosters offer scholarships to all who qualify to apply towards: Student Fees, Trip Costs, Honor group audition fees & participation costs, music competitions, and other approved student musical activities.

  • Spartan Music Boosters’ Student Fees: Apply with the Spartan Music Boosters Treasurer. Generally, students receiving Free and Reduced Lunch and those with special circumstances will qualify.
  • Other Assistance: Apply with the Director. Fill out request form for review.